All clergy and laity of "Member Jurisdictions & Orders" are automatically members of the Guild. "Individual Membership" is for those individuals whose churches have not joined the Guild but who nevertheless agree with the Landmarks.
Member Jurisdictions:
The Holy Celtic Church
The Autocephalous Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Canonical (Metropolia of Mexico)
Eglise Catholique Vieille Latine de France
The Ecumenical Society of St Augustine of Canterbury (TESSAC)
Eglise Libérale Catholique Unie (RDC)
Ecumenical Religious Confession of St Benedict
Ecclesia Italica Rosae+Crucis
Individual Members:
Rt Revd Blake-Allen Hammacher
Rt Revd Stephen Gregory
Revd Lark Justin Muncy (All Saints Anglican Mission Society)
Revd Timothy Baker, (All Saints Anglican MIssion Society)
Revd R. Michael Cook (Anglican Catholic Church)
Br David Maximilian Omboy HFC (csr)
Revd Steve Alderete
Rt Revd José Cristian Gerardo Romero
Revd Cameron Luke
V. Revd Francisco Javier Alonso Rebollo-Akerman
Davide Lopez
Rt Revd Fernando Castro Fernandez
James Nadenicek
Rt Revd Dom Diego Serrado de Assis (Tau Abuna)